Article ID: 52487 - Last Review: September 6, 2016
3. Open a command prompt As Admin.
4. Run the following command: cinst mitel.mixml -source "[InstallDir]\prereqs" --force
NOTE: The [InstallDir]\prereqs portion needs to be updated with the path to your MiContact Center folder. By default this will be C:\Program Files (x86)\prairieFyre Software Inc\CCM\prereqs.
When upgrading from to 8.X.X.X, the MiXML service may not update correctly. The old version will show as
1. Go to the Control Panel >Programs and Features.
3. Open a command prompt As Admin.
4. Run the following command: cinst mitel.mixml -source "[InstallDir]\prereqs" --force
NOTE: The [InstallDir]\prereqs portion needs to be updated with the path to your MiContact Center folder. By default this will be C:\Program Files (x86)\prairieFyre Software Inc\CCM\prereqs.
MiCC 8.X and newer
Keywords: upgrade mixml