New deployments of client applications fail to login – Splash screen displays but will not login. Ignite stuck at splash, CCC displays error.
- For existing clients, newly added devices in YSE do not appear in client real-time monitors
- Changes to IVR Workflows not taking effect.
Error stack shown in Client logs:
Error forcing update
--- Start Exception Stack ---
System.ArgumentException: aPkeyValues must match table pkey types at prairieFyre.Framework.Common.Data.DataSetUtil.FindByPkey(DataTable aTable, Object[] aPkeyValues)
Server-side cache has become corrupt and this corrupt cache has propagated to client machines.
1. On the Enterprise server, STOP the Configuration Service [MiContact Center Configuration Manager]
2. Purge the delete tracking table (as per resolution step 3 of this KB article:
- this will ensure that when we rebuild the cache, it will be for all devices and to ensure there is no corrupt data in this table
3. Delete the DSYourSite cache on the SERVER, not the CLIENT (we need to ensure the "reference cache" gets rebuilt)
- this cache made up of several files located by default in C:\ProgramData\pfdscache
- make a new folder called "OLD" within pfdscache and move all the files that begin with CACHE[DS*.* to this OLD folder (DSYouSiteAnchors*, DSYourSite*, DSQueue*, DSEnterprise*, DSEmployee*, DSAgent*
- do not move the LocationTree or PBX Cache files.
4. START the configuration service
- this will cause a new set of cache files to be created on the server
5. Under the TOOLs menu of YSE, chose RESET clients. This will cause all clients to purge their local cache copies and request a new set from the server.
6. Wait 5 minutes and then attempt to login to a client machine that previously was not allowing you to login
NOTE: YSE Reset will affect only logged in (service registered) clients. For those not online during the reset, upon next launch, during the “Synchronizing Configuration Data” stage of the login they will detect the local cache is not the same as the server cache and cause the local cache to be updated.
MiCC 8.0 and newer
Keywords: splash screen login client application