Article ID: 52174 - Last Review: July 14, 2014
Ignite pulls it's spellcheck data directly from the server. There are two plain text files that contain the known words. If you need to add or correct a word in the spellcheck dictionary, please do the following:
1. Browse to <InstallDir>\CCM\Website\CCMWa\JavaScriptSpellCheck\dictionaries\custom.txt .
2. Open it in a text editor.
3. Add or edit the correct spelling of a word. This file is formatted with one word per line.
4. Save and close the file.
5. Repeat steps 2-4 for the dictionary file found in <InstallDir>\CCM\Website\MCCWa\JavaScriptSpellCheck\dictionaries\custom.txt .
7.0 and newer
Keywords: spellcheck custom dictionary edit add