When committing changes in YourSite Explorer, the Config service pushes these changes to all necessary services and clients. This can result in the Config service using large amounts of CPU or Memory on your server.
In an environment where this is causing issues, you can disable these delta changes and instead just push the configuration to clients. This will reduce the resource usage of the Config service at the expense of network bandwidth.
In order to disable delta changes, do the following:
1. On the MiCC server go to [InstallDir]\CCM\Services\ConfigService\ .
2. Open the GlobalAppSettingsEditor.exe .
3. Input the following information:
- Application: (leave this blank)
- SectionGroup: prairieFyre.Configuration.BusinessObjects.Properties.Settings
- Name: DisableDeltaChanges
- Value: true
- Description: (You can put any note you like here)
- NOTE: You must enter something in the Description field in order to save.
4. Click Save. Note that it can take between 30 seconds and 2 minutes to commit these changes. Wait for the confirmation screen.
MiCC version 6.X and 7.X
Keywords: disable delta changes config service performance CPU memory