Article ID: 50021 - Last Review: September 17, 2013
4. It can take up to a minute for the changes to complete. Wait for the notification that it is saved.
5. Restart the .NET Enterprise Server service.
6. Close and re-launch your Contact Center Client to see the changes.
In your realtime monitors, agent Idle times reset to zero after they handle a non-ACD or outbound call.
The PBX determines who will receive the next call in a path based on the time since their last ACD call, so the Idle time effectively continues to count during non-ACD and outbound calls.
This behavior can be adjusted using a configuration in our Global Application Settings Editor.
1. Open the GlobalAppSettingsEditor.EXE found in [InstallDir]\CCM\Services\ConfigService\.
2. Insert a new entry with the following details:
- ApplicationName: leave this field blank.
- SectionGroup: This should be prairieFyre.BAL.DataAnalysis.Properties.Settings , note that it is case sensitive.
- Name: This will be CalculateLastACDIdleFromLastACD , note that this is case sensitive.
- Value: This should be 1 to enable the feature (0 if you wanted to disable it again).
- Description: Add a note as to why you are adding the feature. Note that you must have something in this field.
4. It can take up to a minute for the changes to complete. Wait for the notification that it is saved.
5. Restart the .NET Enterprise Server service.
6. Close and re-launch your Contact Center Client to see the changes.
CCM 6.0.2.X
Keywords: Agent Idle time reset non-acd outbound