By default the Spell Checker in MCC checks against multiple available dictionaries, which includes a number of different languages. This could result in words not being correctly identified as misspelled if they exist in another language. In we have added a manual configuration allowing you to specify which languages it should check against.
The available languages are:
da: Danish
de: German
en: English (a combination of US/CA/GB)
en_CA: English, Canadian
en_GB: English, UK
en_us: English, US
es: Spanish
fr_FR: French, France
nb_NO: Norwegian
it: Italian
nl: Dutch
pt: Portuguese
pt_BR: Portuguese, Brazilian
sv_SE: Swedish
By default the spell checker is configured for: en,da,de,es,fr_FR,nl,nb_NO,it,pt_BR,sv_SE
In order to use this configuration option you must be running MiCC Version or newer.
1. On the MiCC server go to [InstallDir]\CCM\Services\ConfigService\.
2. Launch the GlobalAppSettingsEditor.exe.
3. Fill in the following details:
Application: (leave this blank)
SectionGroup: appSettings
Name: SpellcheckLanguage
Value:(enter the languages you wish to check against, separated by comma and no spaces)
eg: Value:en,fr_FR, de (this would check against general english, France french, and German)
Description: (you can enter anything you wish here, but must enter something)
4. Click Save. Note that it takes between 30 and 60 seconds to complete the save. Wait for the confirmation prompt.
5. Go to the start menu or screen and type cmd then select the Command Prompt.
6. Type iisreset and hit Enter.
MCC and newer
Keywords: spell check language dictionary configuration config manual specify