Article ID: 52321 - Last Review: August 12th, 2015
During the installation of MiContact Center release 8.0 and above, the pre-requisite check warns (if upgrading) or fails (if newly installing) on checking the default Microsoft SQL Server collation for the specified Microsoft SQL Server. When installing, the SQL Change Scripts action may fail.
MiContact Center requires the default collation for the Microsoft SQL Server instance being used to be SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS. This is required to ensure that queries against the databases, stored procedures, and critical views are executed appropriately, and the data returned in the expected format. This collation is required to ensure that case insensitivity, and accent sensitivity is respected in the queries, and the unicode byte length is appropriate to extended unicode characters.
By default when installing Microsoft SQL Server, the default collation may not be set to SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS if your Microsoft operating system regional settings are not configured to English (United States).
Depending on your installation case, there are two separate resolutions to this issue.
CASE 1: Upgrading from a previous release of MiContact Center
If upgrading from a previous release of MiContact Center, changing the SQL collation can be considered optional but highly recommended.
In order to change the SQL collation for an existing installation, you must perform multiple operations. These operations can be business affecting and should only be performed during a maintenance period.
IMPORTANT: If your SQL instance contains databases for other applications, you must ensure changing the default collation will not cause adverse affects on your other databases. Mitel is not responsible for any application outages, data corruption, or loss of data due to changing the default SQL Server collation.
Before continuing, it is recommended to perform a snapshot of the Microsoft SQL Server or backup all system and MiContact Center databases using the Microsoft SQL Server bulk import and export tools. See for more information.
Step 1: Changing the Microsoft SQL Server default collation
As of Microsoft SQL 2008 and above, you can only change the default SQL Server Collation using the Microsoft SQL Server installer. You must have the installation media, or files available for your version of Microsoft SQL Server to continue.
- Open a command prompt as an administrator
- Navigate to the installation media, or installation files path
- Run the following command, replacing YourInstanceName with the name of the instance containing the MiContact Center databases
SETUP /QUIET /ACTION=REBUILDDATABASE /INSTANCENAME=YourInstanceName /SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS=BUILTIN\Administrators /SQLCOLLATION=SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS - Press enter to run the rebuild database operation, this may take some time to complete
Step 2: Changing the Collation on the MiContact Center Databases
- Launch the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSRS)
- Log into the Microsoft SQL Server instance containing the MiContact Center databases
- Click New Query
- Paste the following query
USE master;
COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
IF DB_ID (N'CCMRuntimeServices') IS NOT NULL
COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
GO - Click Execute
At this stage, it is recommended to restart the MiContact Center server for all changes to take effect.
CASE 2: Performing a Clean Installation of MiContact Center
If performing a new installation of MiContact Center, you must have the appropriate default collation configured during your Microsoft SQL Server installation. If you have installed with a different SQL collation setting, the following steps outline how to change the default SQL Server collation.
In order to change the SQL collation for an existing Microsoft SQL Server installation, you must rebuild the system databases. These operations can be business affecting and should only be performed during a maintenance period.
IMPORTANT: If your SQL instance contains databases for other applications, you must ensure changing the default collation will not cause adverse affects on your other databases. Mitel is not responsible for any application outages, data corruption, or loss of data due to changing the default SQL Server collation.
Before continuing, it is recommended to perform a snapshot of the Microsoft SQL Server or backup all system databases using the Microsoft SQL Server bulk import and export tools. See for more information.
Step 1: Changing the Microsoft SQL Server default collation
As of Microsoft SQL 2008 and above, you can only change the default SQL Server Collation using the Microsoft SQL Server installer. You must have the installation media, or files available for your version of Microsoft SQL Server to continue.
- Open a command prompt as an administrator
- Navigate to the installation media, or installation files path
- Run the following command, replacing YourInstanceName with the name of the instance containing the MiContact Center databases
SETUP /QUIET /ACTION=REBUILDDATABASE /INSTANCENAME=YourInstanceName /SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS=BUILTIN\Administrators /SQLCOLLATION=SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS - Press enter to run the rebuild database operation, this may take some time to complete
At this stage you should be able to re-check or re-try the MiContact Center installation.