In the rules section of YourSite Explorer, if you copy a rule and then change that rule it will modify the original rule as well.
1. You create a Rule called one.
2. In the Routing Rules add a DNIS of 1111.
3. In the variables add a variable and make it 1.
4. Save the Rule.
5. Highlight the one rule and copy and paste it.
6. The new rule is called one-copy and is bold, indicating it has unsaved changes (note the existing rule called one is not darkened at this point).
7. In the new rule called one-Copy change the DNIS from 1111 to 2222.
8. Save the new one-copy rule.
9. The original rule, one is now bold, indicating that the rule has unsaved changes. If you check this rule the DNIS is now 2222, having picked up the change to one-copy in error.
At this time, we recommend that you create new rules instead of copying and pasting them.
We plan to resolve this issue in our upcoming MiCC Version 8.0 release.
Keywords: IVR rule copy and paste update updating change save dirty