Article ID: 52334 - Last Review: September 27th,2015
After a successful MiContactCenter installation, or during normal business operations, it may be requiredto manually re-run the MiContact Center Redistributable Packager (MiCC RedistPackager).
WARNING: Running theredistributable packager can have adverse effects on your MiContact Centerdeployment, and should only be run at the direction of support staff, or usedby certified MiContact Center technicians.
The MiCC Redist Packager can befound in the following directory:
<InstallationDrive>\Program Files (x86)\Mitel\MiContactCenter\PFInstaller\MiCC.Redist.Packer.exe
The MiCC Redist Packager can berun by simply running the application which will perform the followingoperations:
- 7Zip the applications and services folders on the MiContact Center Enterprise Server, and copy them to the CCMWeb\Applications directory
- Create a new application manifest file, with a new manifest ID, and zip file hash
- Create a new executable installer for the following items:
- Mitel Client Component Pack.exe
- Mitel Remote Server Pack.exe
This process will cause allremote servers, and client applications to update throughout the enterprise.
In addition to the automatic run,the MiCC Redist Packager can be run with command line options to performspecific operations. The following command line switches are available for theMiCC Redist Packager:
- /repackCCP
- /repackRSP
- /repackUpdater
- /onlyRehash
- /onlyRehash <list of applications>
Each of these command switchesare described in detail below.
The repackCCP command willperform a re-packaging and re-creation of the ZIP files and associatedmanifests for client applications and services, in addition to creating a newMitel Client Component Pack executable. This command can be useful if you mustmake application or service configuration changes prior to deploying yourMiContact Center clients.
MiCC.RedistPacker.exe /repackCCP
The repackRSP command willperform a re-packaging and re-creation of the ZIP files and associatedmanifests for remote server applications and services, in addition to creatinga new Mitel Remote Server Pack executable. This command can be useful if you musthave application or service configuration changes prior to deploying yourMiContact Center Remote Servers.
MiCC.RedistPacker.exe /repackRSP
The repackUpdater command willperform a re-packaging and re-creation of the ZIP file and associated manifestfor the Updater Service. This command can be useful if you must make changes tothe service configuration that you wish to be applied on all clients andservers running an instance of the Updater Service. Typically this would berequired if modifying timeouts, and retries for application and service updatesfrom the MiContact Center Enterprise Server.
The onlyRehash command willcreate a new application manifest file which includes a hash for the ZIP filefound within the CCMWeb\Applications directory for every application andservice contained within this folder. This command should be used if changeshave been made to the ZIP files requiring them to have a new file hash forproper download verification, or if you wish to force a re-download of allapplications and services organization wide.
MiCC.RedistPacker.exe /onlyRehash
The onlyRehash with a list ofapplications command will create a new application manifest file which includesa hash for the ZIP file for the specified applications only. This commandshould be used if you have manually created a new application or service ZIPfile (for example, when modifying an application configuration file) and youwish for all clients and servers (where applicable) to re-download thisapplication for the change to take effect. The list of applications must besemi-colon separated (;). The list of applications that can be passed are:
- AppStart
- CcmWebStub
- CcsClient
- ClientRole
- Collector
- ContactCenterClient
- EmployeePortalStub
- FlexibleReporting
- Ignite
- IvrMusic
- MbgConnector
- MiAudioEmulationServer
- MiTAIProxyServer
- RoutingInboundService
- RoutingMediaService
- RoutingOutboundService
- RoutingUPiQService
- SalesForce
- ServerMonitoringAgent
- SipBroadcaster
- StorageService
- UCMAProxyService
- UpdaterService
- Wallboarder
- PreReqs
- MiCCSetup
- RemoteCCMWeb
MiCC.RedistPacker.exe /onlyRehashIgnite;ContactCenterClient;YSE
Keywords: redist packer manifest hashzip updater