Article ID: 52370 - Last Review: November 13, 2015
2. Launch the GlobalAppSettingsEditor.exe .
3. Fill in the following details:
In MiContact Center Version 8.0 we have added a configuration option to determine whether timestamps will be displayed in your chat transcripts.
In order to enable timestamps in your chats, you must make the following configuration change on the server.
1. Go to [InstallDir]\MiContact Center\Services\COnfigService\ .2. Launch the GlobalAppSettingsEditor.exe .
3. Fill in the following details:
- Application: RoutingMediaService.exe
- SectionGroup: Mitel.Routing.Common.Properties.Settings
- Name: DisplayTimeStampInChatTranscript
- Value: true (or set to false to hide time stamps)
- Description: (you can enter anything here, but you must enter something in order to save)
MiCC Version 8.0 and newer
Keywords: chat transcript transcripts time stamp timestamp