Article ID: 50392 - Last Review: January 13, 2016
- You are tracking Attendant Condsoles as extensions but are reciving no data or no inbound data
- You are sending down the Attendant console name in the called or calling party field
- If you name your Attendant Console with a leading character of "P", for example "PMJ". Our software by design uses the letter "P" for path assignments only, and since there is no path PMJ it is ignored and not pegged in any extension reports.
- The same applies for the letter "T", but in this case it is looking for Trunks and only excludes the inbound calls. For example if you have Attendant console "TMM", and you run an extension report it will only peg the outbound calls on this attendant not the inbound.
You cannot use leading characters of "P" or "T" in any Attendant console name, this must be modified on the PBX.
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