Apache web servers enable multiple methods of implementing reverse proxies. The following is the tested and supported configuration for implementing reverse proxying on an Apache web server with Multimedia Contact Center.
NOTE: This method assumes the reverse proxying is being done for a Virtual Host, but this method can also be used at the Main Site level.
To set up a reverse proxy, the web administrator must enable specific modules in their http.conf file and add and configure fields to define their website’s routing rules for reverse proxying.
To configure reverse proxy on an Apache web server
1. On your Apache web server, open your http.conf file in an editor.
2. Enable the following modules:
- LoadModule dir_module modules/
- LoadModule env_module modules/
- LoadModule filter_module modules/
- LoadModule headers_module modules/
- LoadModule include_module modules/
- LoadModule log_config_module modules/
- LoadModule proxy_module modules/
- LoadModule proxy_connect_module modules/
- LoadModule proxy_html_module modules/
- LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/
- LoadModule proxy_wstunnel_module modules/
- LoadModule request_module modules/
- LoadModule setenvif_module modules/
- LoadModule substitute_module modules/
- LoadModule xml2enc_module modules/
3. In your site configuration section, add the following:
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName [Server Name]
ProxyPreserveHost Off
RequestHeader unset Accept-Encoding
FilterDeclare MICCFILTER
DocumentRoot “[Website Root]"
<Directory "[File Path]">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Require all granted
<LocationMatch "/(?<CCMWABASE>(?i)ccmwa)/">
ProxyPassMatch "[Enterprise Server IP Address]"
Substitute "s|http(s)?://[Enterprise Server IP Address]/ccmwa/(.*)|http$1://[WebSiteURL]/$2|i"
#LogLevel debug
4. Replace [ServerName] with your server name. For example,
5. Replace [Website Root] with the root of the website through which you are offering chat. For example, C:\SALES\WickedTixNew.
6. Replace [File Path] with the file path to the website through which you are offering chat. For example, C:\SALES\WickedTixNew.
7. Replace [Enterprise Server IP Address] with your MiContact Center Enterprise Server IP Address.
8. Replace [WebSite URL] with the URL of the website through which you are offering chat. For example,
9. If you are not including CCMWa in the WebSite URL, replace ccmwa in LocationMatch with the appropriate extension on the URL.
10. Save and close http.conf.
11. Restart your Apache web server.
MiCC Webchat Version 8.0 and newer
Keywords: webchat reverse proxy howto