You find that some data is not being collected correctly by the WFM Connector.
Occasional agent interval data is missing from FTP data sent to WFM server.
Calls which span more than 2 15 minute intervals will not be included in the FTP packet since the WFM service is sending data offset only by 15 minutes. For example, a call that arrives at 12:14:59 and lasts until 12:30:01 spans 3 15 minute intervals, the 12:00-12:15 interval when it arrived, the 12:15-12:30 interval that it was still occurring in, and the 12:30-12:45 interval when it ended. The 12:00-12:15 interval data was sent to the server at 12:30, so the call that began in interval 1 and didn't end until interval 3 is missed in the data upload because that upload occurred at 12:30.
Run the historical data recollector with the -auto switch and it will recollect all interval data from the previous day and fill in the missing data.
By default, the Historical Data Recollector is found in: [InstallDir]\Services\WFM\prairieFyre.WFM.Utilities.HistoricalDataRecollector.exe
Create a new scheduled task using the attached batch file to run 1 hour after nightly maintenance. By default, maintenance runs at 02:00, so schedule the task for 03:00.
NOTE: The attached batch file assumes a default [InstallDir] of C:\Program Files (x86)\prairieFyre Software Inc\CCM\. If you have installed to another location, you will need to edit the batch file accordingly.
KNOWN LIMITATIONS: Same day WFM reports may be incomplete for the above mentioned reasons. Historical reports will be complete if data recollection is performed.
MiCC 6.x, 7.x, 8.x
Keywords: WFM workforce management connector collector recollector missing incomplete FTP