This alarm occurs when a Remote IVR or Routing service is unable to connect to the MassTransit service on the MiContact Center server.
The Remote IVR or any of the Routing services on the server are unable to initialize mass transit and as a result the remote IVR services will not be able to file reporting properly and endpoint monitor will not function properly. For the router media service, multimedia conversations will not route properly and voice won't if you are using a SIP media server.
If this happens within a remote IVR service then the following things should be checked:
- Is the mass transit service running on the MiCC Server?
- Is the remote IVR machine on a workgroup or domain?
- We must ensure the remote IVR box can resolve the hostname (not just IP) of the main MiCC Server.
- If the remote IVR service must be installed on a computer NOT on the same domain or for some reason not using same DNS then adding a host file entry to each machine may be required, meaning, host file entry on MiCC Server for the remote IVR box and a host file entry on the remote IVR box for the MiCC Server.
- Being on a domain and both machines pointing to the same DNS prevents this issue.
This alarm could also be fired from any routing service on the server itself if for some reason it cannot talk to mass transit properly or in a timely fashion. A restart of the effected service may be required if our subsquent retries don't succeed.
MiCC 8.0 and newer
Keywords: alm0154 unable to connect masstransit mass transit service alarm event